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Recently we’ve been having heated discussions about what to call our beautiful Still. We have been speaking to family, friends, work colleagues and anybody else who will listen. We generated a short list which consisted of the following suggestions:

  • Steven Stillberg
  • Bertha
  • Rasputia
  • Stilly McStillface
  • Stillvester
  • Gwen Stillfani
  • Earl

After much consultation and deep thought, we decided that Rasputia and Earl were our favourites and this is why.

Rasputia – if you cast your mind back to the Eddie Murphy movie Norbit – is the voluptuous, bold woman who terrorises her ex-husband. For us, this represents (in part) our beautiful, big, bold Still which tolerates no arguments.

Earl – Steve Earle of Copper Head Road fame ” He’d buy a hundred pounds of yeast and some copper line, Everybody knew that he made moonshine”.

Consequently we’re running a vote on Facebook so our followers can have their say. We’re going to announce the winner on Friday October 11 followed by a little naming ceremony. So get on-board and cast your vote!